

EU project

The proposed project impacts overall metal processing and manufacturing industry, not only in Croatia. As such it impacts also the end users of the products. The project proposes change in hardening process technology used as standard manufacturing phase of metal processing. The technology that will be introduced is scientifically developed, innovative, tested and represents Europian patent (Wo 2007034249) and Croatian patent (PK 20050849). Apart from changes in technology process of hardening, the machinery and equipment that follow influence energy efficiency use increase for the company. The benefits of new technology are especially reflected to environment protection and elimination of CO2 and NOx gases to the atmosphere. Through the introduction of new technology to existing hardening facility of Anto Grubišić Ltd., the company will be the first hardening centre using this innovative technology. Based on the above, EHC project response to CfP objectives and priorities as it: Increases Company’s competitiveness, introduces new technology in hardening metal process resulting with increase of business efficiency and productivity, compliance with national and international standards. The significance of the project is related to valuable environment protection effect; therefore the project promotes green economy development. The project proposes overall technology change within the Company.

Project goals

Overall objective(s) is to contribute to provision of productive investments in technologies and production methods and promote green economy.

Specific project’s objective is to increase competitiveness and business efficiency through introduction of innovative environment friendly technology (furnace with noble gas atmosphere).

Additionally, expected project results are:
- Introduced innovative eco-friendly hardening technology with innert gas atmosphere HRN EN 746 and ISO 14001 issued
- Increased knowledge on new technology of hardening in metal processing industry
- Increased knowledge on environment protection in metal processing industry
- Identified potential buyers in Croatia (5) and EU (5)

The manufacturing and metal processing facility is placed in Zagreb, Poljačka 56.